Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

Me aha ahau i mua i te whakamahi Mercuryo i CoinEx?

Kua rēhitatia tō pūkete CoinEx.
Me whakaoti koe i te tukanga rehitatanga o to CoinEx i mua i te whakamahi Mercuryo.
Ka taea e koe te kite i nga aratohu taahiraa mo te whakaoti i te rehitatanga i konei:
Me pehea te rehita me te haina ki to putea CoinEx?

Tāpiri motuhēhēnga-rua mo to putea CoinEx.
I mua i te hoko moni mamati ma te whakamahi i te Mercuryo, me herea e Google Authenticator te nama waea ranei mo te haumarutanga o o rawa.
Ka taea e koe te kite i nga aratohu taahiraa-i-taahiraa me pehea te taapiri i te motuhēhēnga-rua i konei:
Me pehea te taapiri nama waea?
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator?

Mercuryo Mena kua raru koe i a koe e whakamahi ana i a Mercuryo, tukuna mai he tikiti mo etahi atu awhina.

Me pehea te hoko crypto na Mercuryo?

1. Haere ki te paetukutuku CoinEx ki te takiuru ki to putea ka paato i te [Hokona Crypto] kei runga.
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

2. Whiriwhiria te moni fiat me te moni crypto, katahi ka whakauruhia te moni. (Tauira: pau 100 USD hoko BTC)
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

3. Tīpakohia Mercuryo, ka pāwhiri [Hokona].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

4. I muri i to urunga ki te wharangi ota, whakauhia nga korero ka paato i te [Hokona].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

5. Takiruatia nga korero ota, ka paato i te [Hokona] i muri i te whakau.
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

6. Kōwhirihia te rohe ka tāuru tau waea, whakakā [Tuhinga o te Ratonga], ka paato i te [Hokona BTC].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

7. Pāwhiritia [Tukua Waehere], tiki ka tomo i te waehere SMS.
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

8. Whakauruhia te wahitau imeera ka paato i te [Next].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

9. I muri i te whiwhi me te whakauru i te waehere imeera, whakakiia nga korero whaiaro, ka paato i te [Next].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

10. Whakauruhia nga korero kaari ka paato i te [Hokona BTC].
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx

11. I muri i te whakaoti i te ota, ka taea e koe te takiuru ki to putea ki te tirotiro i nga rawa [Assets/ Spot Account/Asets]
Me pehea te hoko Crypto na Mercuryo i CoinEx