Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

He aha te Google Authenticator?

Ko Google Authenticator he TOTP authenticator. Ko tana waehere whakaū i runga i nga taurangi taiao penei i te wa, te roa o mua, nga taonga tinana (pēnei i nga kaari nama, nga waea pūkoro SMS, nga tohu, nga tapumati), ka honoa me etahi algorithm whakamunatanga, ka whakahoutia ia 60 hēkona. Ehara i te mea ngawari ki te tiki me te wetewete, no reira he haumaru.

Tikiake me te whakauru i te Google Authenticator APP

1. iOS: Rapua "Google Authenticator" i runga i te Toa App. Tikiake URL: Pāwhiri ki konei;
2. Android: Rapua "Google Authenticator" i runga i te Google Play. Tikiake URL: Click Here .
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinExMe pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator?

1. Haere ki te paetukutuku CoinEx , takiuru ki to putea ka paato i te [Tautuhinga Kaute] mai i te tahua o [Pūkete] kei te kokonga matau-runga.
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx2. Rapua te waahanga [Security Settings], ka paato i te [Bind] kei te taha matau o [TOTP Authentication].
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx3. Tikina me te whakauru i te waehere whakamana imeera, ka paato i te [Next].
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

4. Whakatuwheratia te Authenticator App i roto i to waea, paohia [+] i te kokonga matau, ka paato i te [Matawai Waeherehere] ki te matawai i te waehere QR, te [Taurunga a-ringa] ki te whakauru i te 16 taviri tūmataiti.
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinExMe pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

Whakamaumahara: CoinEx tino whakaaro kia tārua koe 16 mati kī tūmataiti i roto i te ara haumaru.

5. Tikina me te whakauru i te waehere Authenticator Google ka paato i te [Next] ki te whakaoti i te here TOTP.
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx

1. Ka oti te herenga, ka whakaatuhia te tuhinga o "" me nga tohu o te pouaka reta kua rehitatia i roto i te Authenticator Google hei wehewehe i nga waehere hihiri o nga kaute herea rereke.
2. Kare a CoinEx e hoki ki runga i to kii motuhake. Mena ka wareware koe, ka ngaro ranei i te matua, ka taea e koe te tautuhi i to Google Authenticator HERE . Mo te haumaru o to putea me o rawa, kia mau tonu to kii kia rite ki te tikanga rokiroki e taunakihia ana e CoinEx!
Me pehea te herea a Google Authenticator i CoinEx